Process & Shipping time

Depends on the products' availability, products will be shipped from our warehouse in the United States or Overseas.


For Fast Delivery items

  • • Free shipping: Expect to receive within 1-2 weeks.
  • • Expedited shipping: Expect to receive in 1 weeks. 


process of Fast Delivery items


For Non-Fast Delivery items

  • • Free shipping: Expect to receive in 6-8 weeks.(The product will be shipped from our oversea warehouse. It could take 5-6 weeks for the product to arrive in US before the tracking number will be updated.)
  • • Expedited shipping: Expect to receive in 3-4 weeks.


process of NON-Fast Delivery items


Note: The inventory of FAST-DELIVERY items is subject to change at any time while other customers are shopping at the same time. If you only want to have your products to be processed as FAST DELIVERY, please add a note, like "FAST-DELIVERY only" in the customer note section or send us an email within 24 hours after you place the order.


Below are some insights from the last half year about how long it takes for our customers to receive their products with free shipping:


delivery insights


We are working with our shipping agent every day trying to speed things up right now. Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience! Stay safe and healthy!

Free shipping?

YES, we offer free shipping within the United States mainland. Normally, you will be able to get your products 1-2 weeks for FAST DELIVERY items and 6-8 weeks for NON-FAST DELIVERY items. Shipping time is the best effort estimation and is not guaranteed. For the rest of the world, there will be some extra shipping charge depends on the country.

NOTE: If customers fail to be at the location to receive the package and/or refuse to work with us and the shipping company to retrieve the package, which results in the package being sent back to us, the shipping cost will be charged (It can be very costly up to several hundreds of dollars).

How will my order be shipped?

Most fixtures will be shipped by UPS, FedEx, EMS, or USPS. For any specific delivery needs, please contact our Customer Support at

Where will my order be shipped from?

Depends on the products' availability, products will be shipped from our warehouse in the United States or Overseas.

What if there is shipping damage?

Please get in touch with us within 48 hours if there is any shipping damage. Shipping companies (like UPS, FedEx, DHL) only accept shipping damage claims within one week after delivering the product. Therefore, you will be responsible for any cost related to the shipping damage if you do not contact us within one week.

When will my order arrive?

FAST DELIVERY items are usually delivered in 1-2 weeks with free shipping. Non-FAST DELIVERY items are usually delivered in 6-8 weeks with free shipping (inlucdes processing time).

Where do you deliver?

We deliver to the USA, China, Canada, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, UK mainland, and Europe. If you are not in those areas and would like to purchase from us, please contact our Customer Support at

International shipping?

Enter the international shipping address when you check out, the system should tell you the cost and time automatically. Feel free to reach us at if you need additional help.

Work with Customs for clearance.

Depends on the products' availability, products will be shipped from our warehouse in the United State or overseas. If it is shipped from overseas, in rare cases, it may require you to contact Customs to provide validating information and pay import taxes if there is any. Unfortunately, that is something out of our control. 


Unfortunately, only the receiver, not the sender, can work with Customs for the clearance. If you refuse to work with Customs and result in the package being sent back to us, we can not refund your payment. Note: Please contact us before submitting the information to Customs.

How can I track my package?

You will have a tracking number after the order is shipped and you will be able to track the package on the logistics company's track tool.

What if I cannot find my package?

In rare cases, you may not be able to find their products even though the tracking info from shipping agents, like FedEx or UPS, shows it as delivered. Do NOT worry! We are always here to help and we will make sure that you will receive the product that you ordered. Please do reach us within 30 days. After that, package lost claims can not be filed with the shipping agent and there is nothing we can do.


There are several possibilities:

  • The package has not been delivered yet. Sometimes the package delivery will be delayed from 1 or 2 business days while the tracking info online showed as delivered.
  • The package could be delivered to your neighbors, which has happened several times. Please do check with our neighbors to see whether they received your package or not.
  • The package could be indeed lost. If you have waited for 2 business day and checked with your neighbors but still do not find the package. Please do not hesitate to contact us at In the meantime, please do contact the shipping agent to let them know that you did not receive the package, ask them to start an investigation, and file a package loss claim with the tracking number, which is, unfortunately, something that can only be done by the receiver (otherwise, we will do it for you). Once you filed the claim, please send us the claim number so that we can follow up with our shipping agent for the lost package investigation, which could take up to 15 business days. Once the shipping agent verify that the package is indeed lost, we will resend the product or issue refund accordingly. Customer will be responsible for the lost if customer refuse to work with us to start the investigation.


It could take some extra time to receive the product if something went wrong during the shipping process, which is something that we do not want it to happen but unfortunately out of our control. But rest assure we will always be here to help! 



Couldn't find the answer to your question on shipping? Contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Contact us.